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Ramsey Jorgensen

WVU Law Ramsey Jorgensen

What is your favorite law school memory?

It has to be my first Mountaineer football game. Being from Nebraska, football and tailgating is sacred. But it doesn’t compare to a Saturday in the Blue Lot and Puskar Stadium.

Who/what inspired you to to go law school?

I’d lie if I said it wasn’t originally about prestige and the glamour of TV show lawyers and courtrooms. But getting here and hearing the horror stories of people that need help and aren’t able to get it, it quickly became about trying to make things better for people. Whether it’s someone who is wrongly accused of a crime or someone who’s been taken advantage of by a company, helping people unable to help themselves became the number one goal.

Who would you like to thank?

I want to thank my parents. They have helped me more than I could imagine. They chipped in at the end of the semester when funds were low, they sent care packages because I couldn’t drive home for a quick visit and meal, they’ve been almost overly supportive, and I couldn’t possibly be here without them.

WVU Law 2021 Ramsey Jorgensen
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