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WVU Law Raising Capitol

Raising Capital Workshop

Join the WVU Entrepreneurship and Innovation Law Clinic, in partnership with the West Virginia Securities Commission, in Charleston, WV, on October 4 for a free workshop and networking opportunity for existing and new entrepreneurs in the Mountain State.

For most entrepreneurs, finding the funds to grow your business can be challenging. Traditional financing through bank loans can be difficult for smaller enterprises, requiring cash balances or credit scores that are not realistic for the average entrepreneur in West Virginia. Whether you want to create outdoor seating for your cafe or transform a hobby into a viable business, you need capital.

Fortunately, there are funding options in West Virginia that leverage our strong sense of community into local investment opportunities. These community based financing options help small entrepreneurs raise funds and continue contributing to our local economies. This presentation and networking event will introduce entrepreneurs to the different legal options for raising capital in West Virginia.

You will have the opportunity to:

  • Learn more about opportunities to raise money for your West Virginia-based business. 
  • Learn about regulatory requirements for raising money and how to meet them.
  • Connect with free legal services and legal resources for small businesses.
  • Learn best practices for crowdfunding. 
  • Network with other West Virginia-based small businesses. 
  • Learn more about how you can “invest local” to support small businesses in your community.

Raising Capital Workshop
Thursday, October 4, 2018
5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The Clubhouse at Coonskin Park
2000 Coonskin Dr.
Charleston, WV 25311

  • Appetizers and light refreshments will be served.

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